winning contenders of the 2005 portland stache for cash contest.....
the winning mustache.... best in show.... king mustache styley 2005 portland stache for cash contest...
winchester boashies!

The Reverend Tree (left) and Grant (right) dodge a flock of bats! courtessy of grant via gonzo recording session between our conspirators and those of mandible chatter....though i suppose we are all co-conspirators manifesting the great work in the realm of no need for separation.

shot from a mugwort show with dan stauffer (lower left) me on right.....from the christopher rainone collection.
this is steve....aka ED......feel the glory and power!
bits and pieces round and round and round some more....feel the bits and let them flow...
..the owl chronicles...
me and my brother...craig
some days are stranger than others.......